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One Day at a Time

April 15, 2016 by Kayce L.

Looking forward keeps us centered in where we are going, not remorseful or regretful about our past. After all, it is hard to move forward if we are looking back.
I myself have always loved this saying, It centers me. And reminds me , One Day at a Time.


  1. Thomas Cromer says:

    Yes one day at a time I’m on day 1742 sounds like a miracle!!!!!

  2. Paula says:

    Thank you

  3. Chloeb says:

    All we have is right now … This moment.. Today.. And today is a great day to be sober!!

  4. Ray says:

    A day at a time, one hour at a time and one minute at a time. We do what we need to do to stay sober

  5. Mk21 says:

    Day 148, and my spouse doesn’t believe in me yet!

  6. COD says:

    1600 days today.
    As long as you believe in yourself everything will come to you

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